A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
Silly question. Right? Of course, we are present – I can see my hands and the freckles on them, my feet, my bulges. Yes, I am here and present!
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
Silly question. Right? Of course, we are present – I can see my hands and the freckles on them, my feet, my bulges. Yes, I am here and present!
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
You’ve met them! The ones that have something negative to say about anyone and any situation. It’s rather sad as I see it… it makes me wonder what was instilled in them to reach this negative conclusion.
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
Recently I had an interesting conversation with a fella named Ben. We were discussing the advantages of having a Human Resources (HR) person in a company. While I am for it, he was totally against it. Wow – diversity in our beliefs here! And then I talked to a trainer for corporations. Tami’s perspective was also valuable.
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
That’s how Jim Cathcart, advisor and consultant, describes worry.
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
Really? When you hear someone say to you, “…, it’s not personal.” Does your brain automatically think, gee, this isn’t about me, it’s about the world at large? I doubt it!
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
It’s decision time! Shelley can’t wait to get out of the house and go back to work – someplace where there is peace and quiet. It has been tough working from home with the kids to look after, and homeschooling too, work to do, the dog to walk, parents to worry about. You name it, Shelley felt overwhelmed and going back to the workplace would be wonderful.
A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
Have you ever started a job without the information you need to be a great employee? Many have – no promised parking spot, no desk phone, no desk, no computer, no one to show you the ropes!
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A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
Randy was upset… his co-worker had spoken harshly to him and he was offended. His co-worker, Todd, was also offended because he felt he had not been listened to. If you are in a family, a work place, a committee or a friendship – guess what? You have ample time to be in a situation where you may have conflict. We just don’t always see eye to eye on things.
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A Dimension 11 Publication. Please Visit our Website: www.dimension11.com
COVID has caused us all to explore where our careers are taking us… maybe you are in the job you love, maybe you’ve realized this job or this field is not the one for you. Regardless, when the pandemic is winding down, as we hope it will soon, it’s time to begin to look forward.
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Times have changed! We are not connected as we once were and I feel that it has hit us, the seniors, probably more than any other group. We were in some cases more isolated than other groups. Our families have left to build their own lives. We become empty nesters. Some of us end up in seniors’ homes. Others of us live alone hoping for a visit from someone, our children or our friends.